Hirokazu Yamazaki wears Goldwin 2B Multi Pocket Jacket (GL11107P) & Goldwin Utility Pocket L/S Tee (GL60141P)
Tell us about what you do and why you do it.
I am a member of the band Toe, and an interior designer. My work varies from time to time. I do what I do because I’ve always been interested in music and design – and the rest just happened naturally.
How does living in Tokyo impact what you do?
I don’t think I’ve been directly influenced by the city. It’s more from the people I meet here. For better or worse, Tokyo seems to have this magnetic pull that draws people in.
How has the current climate affected your approach to work?
The world has been in a constant state of change since the beginning of time. I think that human beings, including myself, will continue to search for our own expression and work in response to this. To a certain extent, I think it’s always been like that, and now is no different. With that in mind, I just continue to live my life how I always have done.
Hirokazu Yamazaki wears Goldwin Mac Coat (GL01100P) & Goldwin W-cloth Long Pants (GA71120P)
What motivates you to succeed?
The feeling of inferiority. Jealousy. A void in myself. And the desire to control and embody my creativity.
How important is function and comfort to you?
In a sense, comfort and functionality are often opposites. However, in certain forms of design, the two tend to coexist and have synergy. It’s as if high functionality makes you feel good. I think this is an issue that we should always be conscious of – especially when it comes to things like clothing, housing, vehicles, graphics, product design, UI and UX. On the other hand, when it comes to more expressive activities such as music, I personally think that comfort and functionality are not relevant at all.
Tell us about your personal environment and the impact your surroundings have on you.
I don’t really have an objective understanding of the environment I’m in. For now, I just do what I want to do wherever I find myself. I just try to do what I think I should be doing. I never know if what I’m doing will work or not – but it’s better to have ambition and to fail than never trying at all. It’s the best feeling in the world when everything goes to plan, and I guess I live my life with this kind of mindset regardless of surroundings or environment.
Photography : Shunya Arai
Styling : Masataka Hattori
Writer : James Oliver
Design : Yukio Sugaya
Brand Creative : Taro Motoda & Takumi Suzuki
Production : CEKAI (Taro Mikami, Rei Sakai & Yohei Fujii) & Hattori Pro.