“Whatever my taste is – and I don’t want to sound big-headed – I don’t think anyone else has got it.” This is Jermaine Gallacher, an interior designer/design dealer born in Brighton, known for his left-field taste in furniture, lights and objets d’art. During his years of studying you’d find him on the Drawing Course at Camberwell College of Arts. When he wasn’t in the studio you’d either find him scouring the London markets or on his stand at Spitalfields market selling antiques.
His most recent venture being his showroom and wine bar suitably named “Lant Street” from the road it lies on in South London. A place where you’ll sit amongst gothic chairs, ceramic candelabras and good wine. Every now and then Jermaine sets aside the old to bring in the new…small specially commissioned exhibitions for artists/designers in the same off-beat style as the surroundings.
The Itinerants - An insight into the personal and private lives of global nomads driven and guided by their passion and innate ability within the creative industries. All images provided by the libraries of their phones and devices.
A really good toilet roll holder at The Café Procope Paris.
My favourite mask.
Bat candle sconce at my friends house in North Wales
A fab astray.
Me giving a shit speech on my bar just before I feel off and broke my rib.
Love these two.
Zig zag shelf brackets available to order on my website, as seen here in my cellar.
This makes me die.
A fun day out at the seaside.
Green leather Caféstuhl chair by Lukas Lukas Gschwandtner .